Friday, February 05, 2010

Bad at goodbyes!

I'm at an airport hotel near JFK tonight. My flight leaves for Santo Domingo early tomorrow morning. Thank you so much to Meredith, Nina, & Brent for the amazing voicemails and support! I am so lucky to have such wonderful thoughtful friends! I saved your voicemails so I can listen to them when I get homesick. :)

I've finally stopped crying... or at least I hope I have. First, some background. I am a huge sap. When I was 12 years old, my mom drove me to my first overnight camp- it was only 45 minutes away from our home and I was only going to be gone for 5 days. Both of us cried for a good 15 minutes. I guess for whatever reason I never grew out of this- I cry when I have to say goodbye or leave home. Now don't misunderstand me... I like to think of myself as super tough in most situations. When there is a crazy crash C-section, I am calling a code on a patient, etc I am completely calm in an almost eerie way. I guess this is what makes me crying today (and yesterday!) before my trip so humbling. As tough as I can be in clinical situations, I still am a homebody mama's girl who gets scared. I figure that there are a lot of new experiences waiting for me starting tomorrow- it's ok to be nervous about them even if I'm also still really excited about all these opportunities.

Plan for tomorrow: 4am arrival at JFK- yikes! Arrive in Santo Domingo at 1pm. Arrive in my new home for the next month. Get cell phone. Call home (s). ENJOY THE 81F sunshine!! This weekend, I hope to do some fun exploration of the colonial historic part of the capital. I will post pictures later in the weekend if all goes well.

So to all my friends I didn't call back before I left- I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to have to hear me being emotional, I knew it would pass. To David and Olive- I miss you guys so much already; please take good care of each other... and enjoy the snow! To my wonderful amazing parents, thank you for always taking such good care of me, giving me a huge hug and letting me cry it out, but encouraging me to be the strong person I know I can be, too.

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