Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lucky lady :)

I am on my acting internship in OB this month. I'm loving it so far (more details later) but I wanted to post about my first day post-call. I came home today after a 30 hr shift at work. David was at home waiting for me. He understood what it meant when I said that my day was "fine." He understood that we would talk later and didn't take it personally that I was too exhausted to tell him that I missed him. After taking a glorious post-call 3hr nap, I woke up to find out that David had been busy with a special surprise. He went out and got some of my favorite things to indulge in after call- sloppy joes, my favorite beer, my favorite lemonade, scallops for a special dinner. Despite my lack of sleep, I couldn't help smiling and being excited to spend the rest of my day off with him! It meant so much to me that he understood what a rough night of call can feel like and that he gave me time to relax before I talked about my day. And the fact that he did this all while he is on his ENT AI makes me feel just that much more special. I feel so lucky to have such a caring, thoughtful, and understanding fiance! I think that we make a great team. :)