Thursday, September 14, 2006

Learning about how to mess up a fetus!

I definitely haven't been keeping things updated as much as I would like. With all the info that gets thrown at us in everyday in med school, it's hard for me to justify time to write about my thoughts. Thinking? When do I have time for that?? Haha

Actually things aren't that bad. Luckily, I really enjoy the material. Phew it would be super rough if I found out that I didn't like medicine after all. I feel like I've had a pretty good balance with everything so far. I've been doing tons of work but not too much. I've definitely been having fun living life too and I think that's important too because I have a looong way ahead of me!

These past few weeks we have been learning about embryology and fetal developing. Wow, with all the grotesque things that can go wrong at every point in development, it's a miracle that there are over a billion normal people walking around! And learning about pregnancy and labor has left me with one thought: 10 cm?! Honestly??

Luckily I still have a long time to consider 10cm. I'm feel a little lazy tonight and I'm going to run with it. I'm sure that I will be overwhelmed with work soon enough and focus again soon. In the meantime, I want to take time to be grateful. I feel so lucky that I'm doing something that I really enjoy doing and have so many wonderful people in my life... what a blessing!

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