Monday, July 10, 2006

About to become a medical student!

I'm sitting at a Starbucks near my apartment early on Monday morning. Who was I kidding? I won't be able to sleep in on a day like today! I'm going to start medical school today!! The move into my apartment went very smoothly; I'm getting to be a pro at moving myself back and forth across the country! I'm sitting here in disbelief. Did I really graduate from Smith? Am I really not going to be living in the quad anymore? Is my summer vacation really over? Dude, am I REALLY living on my own in a sweet apartment? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, am I REALLY about to start medical school today? Ohhhh my goodness!!

I want to remember all the crazy things going through my head today because, quite honestly, I don't think that I have a very good idea of what is waiting for me these next 4 years. Regardless of what happens over the next few weeks, months, and years I want to make SURE that I stay excited and enthusiastic. Dude, I'm FINALLY studying the things that interest me most: the body! When I get frustrated or tired, I want to remember that it is such a privilege to be in medical school starting to learn about how the human body works. How exciting!!

I also want to promise myself that I will not get too carried away with my excitement for learning about the human body. I promise to take time to take good care of myself too. I want to make sure that I work out everyday (night time routine with abs, legs, pushups) and try to do cardio 5x a week. I feel better about myself when I work out: I feel confident, am optimistic, and energetic. I want to make sure that I take good care of myself physically because it translates to good emotional and mental health. So Natalia, it makes sense to sacrifice time to work out and take good care of myself.

I also want to make sure that I eat well. This is my first time cooking on my own. Now that I have the choice to eat any way that I want, I want to make sure that I make good choices. This is not Smith anymore, so there is no reason for dessert splurges! I feel better when I eat food that is good for me. Things like ruffles sour cream & onion chips are a temporary pleasure but they make me feel heavy and fat after so let's keep those to a minimum. Plus I don't have my Smith friends with me to snack late at night; just not as fun without them!

So besides taking good care of myself, I hope that I really enjoy my experience in medical school. I hope that besides being a good student and enthusiastically learning about the human body, I hope that I can make great friends and have fun. OK more updates later as an official medical student. Wish me luck on my first day! :)

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