Sunday, July 13, 2008

Learning how to be a doctor... starting tomorrow.

I start my clinical rotations tomorrow! For the next 4 months I will be doing rotations in outpatient clinics, family medicine, internal medicine, and surgery at a city hospital. I'm really excited to get started! I'm also a little nervous! Ok maybe more than a little nervous! I'm excited to get back to medicine and start applying my learning. I just hope that I can keep up with it all.

Before I get overwhelmed with working in the hospital (i.e. tomorrow), I want to set some goals for myself for the next few months.

First and foremost, I want to remember how to live a healthy balanced life. Physicians need to be able to set an example for health. I want to be proud of my health everyday. I hope to work out- even when I'm tired or grouchy after work- because I know that it will make me feel better. An adrenaline rush makes everything seem better. I need to use the time I have as a student to practice being a healthy physician. I hope to work out at least 4x/ week. Even on tough rotations.

The next few months will be challenging. I will be an inconvenience to all those around me (patients, nurses, attendings). My lack of clinical knowledge will get in the way of everyone. Everyone will know more than me. I don't want to take this personally. I want to use this time as an exciting opportunity to learn medicine. I'm not expected to know everything. I am expected, however, to be optimistic, enthusiastic, and energetic. When I inevitably make a mistake, I want to learn from it and immediately adapt. Dwelling on the mistake will hold me back.

I hope that I can remember that for many of my patients, I will be the main physician that they spend time with. I want to be alert, caring, and attentive to each and every patient I see every day.

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