Although I had originally planned on posting almost daily for my blog, itÂs been three weeks since my last post (as my cousin Ola complained to me in an email; sorry Ola!). Things got crazy real fast at med school. The biggest problem was getting my computer set up. Even though it was a new computer, the Case ITS people were "fixing" my computer for 20+ days- insane! They were on such a power trip!
I finally have my computer back and life here has been picking up really quickly. It's a little exhausting to get back in the grind of things and get to know tons of new people, but it's been fun overall. I've been going out a lot, more than usual, because I keep thinking that this might be one of the last times that I have time to go out and enjoy myself.
One of the things that struck me the most about med school is how I feel that I got waaay older the day that I started. All of a sudden, my classmates are married, have families, and have PhDs. Awesome. Did I mention that I'm 22? Haha. Being around so many mature and accomplished people definitely made me feel a little insecure. So although I feel older now that I'm surrounded by mature people and now that I am (successfully!) living on my own, I can't help feel like I am pretty immature and young compared to everyone else.I try to remind myself that despite other people being older (and having PhDs already!), I AM qualified to be here. The work is picking up but I'm excited that all of the work is pretty enjoyable. Medicine is definitely the thing for me to do. I hope that I don't get overwhelmed with the work. I want to remember to take advantage of the fact that school is PASS/FAIL and not drive myself crazy. I hope that I can really take good care of myself and get enough sleep. So far, I've been taking pretty good care of myself living on my own, but definitely not getting the ideal amount of sleep. (That's what the weekends are for, right?)